Datos personales

Madrid, Spain
This is the blog for the the 6th Grade classes of Miguel de Unamuno Public School, in Madrid. On this blog you can find test dates, student works, and useful links to different websites of interest. We hope that you will enjoy using it! Este es el blog de las clases de 6º del colegio Público Miguel de Unamuno de Madrid. En él podras encontrar fechas de exámenes, los deberes, producciones de los alumnos y enlaces a informaciones de interés. Esperamos que os sea útil y divertido. The Teachers / Los Maestros

viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

Cells of the Body

We have been working on cells, the basic unit of life.

Here you have some incredible pictures of real cells in our bodies:

Blood Cells

Blood Cells Diagram

Lymphocyte Attacking a Fiber

Cancer Cells




A special thanks to one of our student´s mothers who works in the field of cellular research and has very kindly shared these pictures and this information with all of us.

5 comentarios:

€MM@ dijo...
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carmen 5D dijo...

Emma you have to right your class in the comment

6º CEIP Miguel de Unamuno (Madrid) dijo...

Thank you Carmen, you´re right, everybody have to write their class. Emma please, write your class

Marina 5ºC dijo...

I like this unit of the cells.

Marina 5ºC dijo...

Son un poco raras las cosas que tenemos en el cuerpo.(globulos rojos,plaqetas,globulos blancos)..etc