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Madrid, Spain
This is the blog for the the 6th Grade classes of Miguel de Unamuno Public School, in Madrid. On this blog you can find test dates, student works, and useful links to different websites of interest. We hope that you will enjoy using it! Este es el blog de las clases de 6º del colegio Público Miguel de Unamuno de Madrid. En él podras encontrar fechas de exámenes, los deberes, producciones de los alumnos y enlaces a informaciones de interés. Esperamos que os sea útil y divertido. The Teachers / Los Maestros

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

St. Patrick's Day 2013

Next week (on Thursday March 14th) we will celebrate St. Patrick's Day! There will be dancing, arts and crafts, games, singing, etc. Make sure you wear GREEN.

This is an Irish holiday, but it is also very popular in the United States. In order to celebrate it properly we need to know some basic information about St. Patrick and Ireland. Read this website, so you can learn important facts about Ireland. Did anything surprise you?

Ireland is a beautiful country. It is an island near England. They speak English and Gaelic. If you watch this video and listen to the beautiful, traditional music you'll get a "tour" of the country. Popular Irish sports are Gaelic football and hurling. Would you like to learn how to play one of these games?

Do you like to dance (or to watch dancing)? Irish dancing is very special and unique.This is Irish dancing with modern costumes.

Another teacher's assistant made this video that gives you the most important information about St. Patrick and why he is important. Want to make sure you understood everything? Check out a second video. What new information did you learn?

We are learning the song Molly Mallone. (Above is a statue of her!) Here's a famous Irish band singing the song. And, to practice, watch this version with lyrics. We are also going to make and wear leprechaun hats. Click here to learn more about these magical creatures. And, if you want, here's a game.

 I'll leave you with this traditional Irish blessing:
"May your thoughts be as glad as shamrocks,
May your heart be as light as song,
May each day bring you bright, happy hours,
That stay with you all the year long."

In America, we celebrate St. Patrick's Day with big parades just like they do in Dublin. Here is a video that shows part of the 5-hours-long parade in New York City. What do you think? In Chicago the city dyes the river green.

Why are you excited about St. Patrick's Day? Write about it in the comments!

42 comentarios:


no me gusta mucho la cancion

Anónimo dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.
liseth5b dijo...

I like very much moly malone song

¡R€N€ 5ºC dijo...

me gusta a lot the blogg!!!!!

thanks Jorge!!!!!

my favourite part was the green river and the irish dance!!!!

jorjo 5 A dijo...

the song is very cool

alberto m 5B dijo...

H 25this persons dance very well

Sonia 5D dijo...

I like a lot the moly malone song

miguel 5ºA dijo...

i like moly malone a lot

Unknown dijo...

Miguel 5ºB

I like the river and Moly malone song

Unknown dijo...

I love this videos they are fun and interesting
Sara C.

IGNACIO dijo...

I like moly malone song.The vídeos are interesting and great.
Alberto F.

lucia 5ºB dijo...


Unknown dijo...

I like very much sanpatric day because is great

ÁLVARO dijo...


Roberto Gallardo dijo...

The song was very well!!!!!!

6º CEIP Miguel de Unamuno (Madrid) dijo...

Chic@s, os recuerdo que los comentarios deben indicar el NOMBRE y la CLASE de la persona que los hace, si no serán eliminados. Un saludo a tod@s

Akirrra5ºA dijo...

i like the st.patricks day its very cool.

JeFfReY!!!!!! 5ªa dijo...

i like tehe st.patrick¨s day a lot because is very interesante

Unknown dijo...

I love Irish dancings and the song of Molly Malone

Elena 5ºA dijo...

The songs are fantastics!!!!

CRISTINA 5ºA dijo...


ALBERTO M 5B dijo...


Elena 5ºA dijo...

I love saint patrick day!!!!!

Unknown dijo...

i love irland

sherlock samuel 5ºB dijo...

I love the videos and the games

sherlock samuel 5ºB dijo...

I like the song of Molly Malone

Unknown dijo...

i love the dancings and the Molly Malone but the most the game

Sonia 5D dijo...

I like a lot the irish dancing and the gaelic football

ELENA 5A dijo...

Iam going to wear green what ever I can

Manuel 5ºC dijo...

There are lot´s of videos to see.I like all of then

albita 5ºD dijo...

i like a lot the irish dancing and hurling is fantastic 5º grade the best¡¡¡¡¡

Anónimo dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.
Unknown dijo...

i like very much the videous.

giancarlo5d dijo...

mañana ens san patricio y la cancion de molly malon pero ahora me encanta!!!

kamilia5d dijo...

si es verdad giancarlo que guay

giancarlo5d dijo...

lo siento queria decir mañana es san patricio!!! y la cancion de molly malone ahora me encanta

Kamilia 5*D dijo...

El día de san Patricio a sido genial :-) ;-) ♥♥

Sonia 5D dijo...

Tienes razon kamilia a sido muy divertido el dia de san patricio

Unknown dijo...

que pena que halla pasado el dia de San Patricio

Anónimo dijo...

Que pena q se haya acabado todo

Sonia 5D dijo...

Tenéis razón que pena que se haya acabado porq el año que viene no lo vamos a celebrar

¡r€n€ 5ºc dijo...

es verdad =(=(=(=(
que penaaaaa
¿que celebramos al año que biene???