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Madrid, Spain
This is the blog for the the 6th Grade classes of Miguel de Unamuno Public School, in Madrid. On this blog you can find test dates, student works, and useful links to different websites of interest. We hope that you will enjoy using it! Este es el blog de las clases de 6º del colegio Público Miguel de Unamuno de Madrid. En él podras encontrar fechas de exámenes, los deberes, producciones de los alumnos y enlaces a informaciones de interés. Esperamos que os sea útil y divertido. The Teachers / Los Maestros

miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013


To review the basics about vertebrates check out this video; there are lots of nice pictures of animals and it will help you study. Some vertebrates are endangered. Play this game while learning about how we can help protect animals.

Fish: Check out this gallery of pictures of fishes. Some of them are look pretty scary!
Review important facts about fish.

Amphibians: There are two groups of amphibians: Frogs and Toads, and Salamanders and Newts.
Do you know the differnce between frogs and toads? They look similar but they have some important differences. Learn more here. Frogs eat flies in a pretty cool way. This is a short and fun video.
Did you know that the biggest salamander is 6ft long! (1.8 meters). Watch a video about a Japanese salamander. Would you go swimming with one?
Review by reading this webpage and watching the video.

9 comentarios:

Kamilia 5*D dijo...

the japanese salamander is amazing¡¡¡¡ ;-)

Sonia 5D dijo...

como molan los videos y eljuego

giancarlo 5d dijo...

me encanta el video de la rana que se come la mosca

Manuel 5ºC dijo...

This videos are coool and very interesting

Sonia 5D dijo...

A mi también me gusta el vídeo de la rana que se come la mosca :-)

Sonia 5D dijo...

¿Cual es el grupo que mas os gusta?

Sonia 5D dijo...

A mi los mamíferos

Sonia 5D dijo...

the video of the japanese salamander is very interesting

Anónimo dijo...
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