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Madrid, Spain
This is the blog for the the 6th Grade classes of Miguel de Unamuno Public School, in Madrid. On this blog you can find test dates, student works, and useful links to different websites of interest. We hope that you will enjoy using it! Este es el blog de las clases de 6º del colegio Público Miguel de Unamuno de Madrid. En él podras encontrar fechas de exámenes, los deberes, producciones de los alumnos y enlaces a informaciones de interés. Esperamos que os sea útil y divertido. The Teachers / Los Maestros

miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2012

English Comparatives, Superlatives, and MORE

 This week, you have an English test and you'll need to know all about comparative and superlative adjectives. Check out this website to review how you form these adjectives and do some exercises to make sure you understand! Did you get every question correct? Here you can find more to practice. Review when we use the present simple and when we use the present continuous. Make sure you understand the difference (Jorge is wearing trousers vs. Jorge wears glasses) by doing this practice.

Spain´s Landscapes

Spain has many diferent types of landscapes, depending on the climate and the relief. We can see some of them:

Spanish landscape

Spanish landscapes II 

Animals and plants in Spain 

Osprey fishing

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

Geography of Spain

In this game you have to identify some of the major rivers in Spain--a great way to practice!
For this game, you need to remember the names of Spanish rivers, mountains, and cities.
If you have time, try to answer these random questions about Spanish geography. You may or may not know the answers. Learn something new!

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

Weather and Climate

Now that we know the difference between weather and climate, and some basic information about both, click on this link or this link for webpages with more interesting facts about climate change, storms, etc. (You may find the second one easier to understand). Looking at these sites is also a great way to help you prepare for the exam!

Here is a video by NASA about weather. (Note: the first minute isn't important--it's about France). But the video asks you some good questions you should already know the answers to. Try answering them and then continue watching the video to see if you're right. This video talks a lot about the weather in Britian and shows examples of places across the world with different climates.

We study and measure weather and climate in different ways. This video discusses some of those issues and why studying weather and climate is important.

Check this website out if you want to see what the weather is like all around the world.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012


Etna, Cotopaxi, Fuji, El Teide and other volcanoes  erupted this morning in 5th grade classes at Unamuno School. 
Nobody got hurt..., we had lots of fun.

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012


On Tuesday, there were a lot of explosions on the 5th grade floor! Did you see (or smell) them? Many of the volcanos were very pretty, some even had little houses or people at their bases. It was cool to see the volcanos erupt and it wasn't that difficult to make it happen. -->First, we added water, then vinegar, and finally baking soda.

Pouring water into the funnel.

Squeezing in some vinegar (it smelled pretty strong).

The final ingredient: baking soda.
 Now, for the fun part. Check out these erupting volcanoes!

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

Maps and Globes

Maps and globes represent the Eath's geopgaphy. Maps are two-dimensional and globes are three-dimensional. Watch a video about them. This powerpoint focuses on the different parts of a map, so you can understand what you see.

Also: to REVIEW check out this video about the Earth's geography and climate. It's a little long, but make the effort!


A volcano forms when hot magma rises to the Earth's surface.
Volcanos are very exciting because we can see black ash and red lava errupting from the Earth.

Here is a video of the world's largest volcano (located in Hawaii, United States) errupting in 2011. Here is another video of the same volcano. In this one you can clearly see the huge crater. This website has lots of information about volcanos (use it for studying!) and cool pictures too. Check out some more information at this website so you can be a volcano expert!

And if you want to learn and sing, here is the volcanoes song

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

Rocks and Minerals

After studying the basic parts of the Earth, now we are learning more about the actual "stuff" it is made of. In other words, we are reading, writing, and talking about rocks and minerals!
There are lots of interesting facts about them (Did you know the biggest pure gold nugget ever found weighed 156 pounds? Or that basalt is the most common rock?) and they look really cool--we've seen pictures, but lots of people have also brought in real rocks we can touch.

If you want to see a big picture of many, many minerals click here. There are lots of properties of minerals, but we only have time to learn about the three most important. Find out more information about the characteristics of minerals used in their evaluation and study here.
This video by NASA talks about the three types of rocks on the Earth and rocks on the Moon.
Here is a cartoon video about the rock cycle. Another video of the rock cycle, that Jorge's classes already watched, can be found here. If you still have questions, or want to know more, check this out!

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

The Earth

Now, we are learning about the Earth. There are lots of interesting things to know.

First, we talked about water. Water is very important and we need to conserve it, so find out some suggestions by playing the Tip Tank Game.

Here is some cool information about the layers of our planet!   This website has a lot of information about the atmosphere. Learn facts about the atmosphere's layers, ozone layer (and ozone hole!), and much more. If you want, talk about the things you read and educational games you played in the comment section so your classmates can learn more too!

The English in this video about the atmosphere is a little advanced, but do your best to understand it.

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

The Universe

We are learning a lot of things about the Universe in class. Follow these links to learn more and enjoy!

The universe

The solar system
More information about the solar system and the planets

Moon Phases
moon phases diagram

¡Bienvenidos a 5º! Welcome to the 5 grade!

Nuevo curso, nuevos profesores, nuevas asignaturas, nuevos compañeros... y mucho que aprender. Deseamos que este curso sea de gran provecho para todos vosotros y lo más importante, ¡que lo pasemos genial!
New school year, new teachers, new subjects, new classmates... and a lot to learn! We hope that you get a lot out of this school year and most importantly...have a great time!

jueves, 14 de junio de 2012

Alegría Lyrics

Come un lampo di vita
Come un pazzo gridar
Del delittuoso grido
Bella ruggente pena
Come la rabbia di amar
Come un asalto di gioia

I see a spark of life
I hear a young minstrel
Beautiful roaring scream
of joy and sorrow
So extreme
There is a love in me
A joyous,
magical feeling

Come un lampo di vita
Come un pazzo gridar
Del delittuoso grido
Bella ruggente pena
Come la rabbia di amar
Come un asalto di gioia

Del delittuoso grido
Bella ruggente pena
Come la rabbia di amar
Come un asalto di gioia

Como la luz de la vida
Como un payaso que
Del estupendo grito
De la tristeza loca
Como la rabia de amar
Como un asalto de

Del estupendo grito
De la tristeza loca
Como la rabia de amar
Como un asalto de

There is a love in me
A joyous,
magical feeling

Now practice and sing it with passion!

Cirque du Soleil- Alegría (finale)

lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

Museo del Prado

Los días 1 y 4 de junio de 2012, los alumnos de 6º de primaria, fumos al Museo del Prado acompañados de Antonio el Jefe de estudios.Nos enseñó a meternos dentro de los cuadros que vimos. Por ejemplo el lavatorio de pies,que estaba en una iglesia y que por motivos económicos vendieron a Velazquez ,porque el rey le encargó que comprara cuadros para el palacio.Antonio nos contó que el museo se llama Prado porque antigüamente aquello era un prado, también nos contó que gracias a la 3º esposa del rey tenemos este museo tan grande y maravilloso.Lo peor de la Reina es que era portugesa y los ciudadanos se burlaban con este pareado:La Reina es fea, pobre y portuguesa, chúpate esa.
Para nosotros se nos hizo muy corto,pero nos encantó la manera de explicar de Antonio, no era como todos los guías que son muy aburridos cuando explican algo.

Firmado Cortes y Félix alumnos de 6ºB

jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

Aranjuez mayo 2012

Este viernes vamos de visita a Aranjuez, Real Sitio, donde les gustaba a los reyes vivir en primavera. Veremos el palacio y los jardines. Es dificil ver las fuentes funcionando, así que aquí las podéis ver en todo su esplendor. También algunos enlaces con más información. Esperamos que disfrutéis mucho de la visita.

Jardines de Aranjuez



Profes de 6º

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

The second conditional

In these links you can find information about the second conditional. You can also learn to distinguish the different conditional types. Practice with the exercises for the exam we have the next week.

Second conditional

Second conditional II

sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

KET / PET Speaking

Next week is the KET / PET Speaking. Here you are some examples of the different parts. Watch them and try to answer the questions by yourself at home. We are sure you´re going to do great in the test.

KET speaking part 1

KET speaking part 2

PET speaking part 1

PET speaking part 2

PET speaking part 3

PET speaking part 4

PET Speaking Test explained

Good luck!!

The teachers

jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

Vacaciones de verano en inglés

Queridos Padres:
Aunque muchos ya estáis al corriente, os recordamos dos alternativas para que vuestros hijos sigan mejorando con la lengua inglesa en el periodo de vacaciones de verano. Hay que hacer inscripciones. La primera opción finaliza el jueves 26 de abril.
1) Colonias de Inmersión en Lengua Inglesa, para una de las quincenas de agosto. El plazo de solicitudes acaba el 26 de abril.
2) Buscad en Internet esta convocatoria del Ayuntamiento de Madrid para actividades en centros escolares abiertos en verano. El CEIP Tirso de Molina es uno de ellos . Este año ofertan las actividades también en inglés. Ya sabéis que es durante el mes de julio y los primeros días de septiembre. 
Jorge y Julia

martes, 27 de marzo de 2012

An Interesting Authour!

Today, the classes of 6º had the priveledge of meeting César Pérez de Tudela.  Here are some pics from the interaction...

Hoy el autor del libro "Cuentos del Barón de Cotopaxi" llamado Cesar Pérez de Tudela vino al Miguel de Unamuno para contarnos sus expediciciones del alpinismo y sobre el libro del Barón de Cotopaxi, en el que después le hicimos preguntas sobre sus expediencias y sobre el libro. Nos ha contado que ha estado en muchos sitios del mundo haciendo alpinismo. Ha sido muy interesante cuando nos explicó algunos viajes divertidos pero peligrosos.

Giancarlo y Manuel

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

Conditionals and Will

Here we have the links to practice the First Conditional sentences, and also to practice using Will for the future:

Practice hard, exercise is good for you!

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012


In order to help you prepare for the PET and KET tests coming in May, here are some websites with links to help you practice and give you THE EDGE!

Official Cambridge ESOL web page

Be sure to check out the rest of the sites to find more useful tips and videos!

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

A guide to inventions

Who invented the television? and rubber? and... the wheel?
Check this guide and find out some of the most important discoveries and inventions in history.

A guide to inventions

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012

Conditionals type 1

If you check this link... You will know more about conditionals type 1 ;-)
Don´t forget to do the exercises!

Conditionals type 1

viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

Light and Colour

Bill Nye shows us all about Light and Colour!  Verrrrrrry interesting!!

jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012

The colour wheel

Make your own colour wheel mixing the primary colours. You can print it!

The colour wheel

Colour mixing 

talking textiles

martes, 21 de febrero de 2012

Have fun with electricity

Learn about electricity circuits as you experiment with them

Electric circuits I

Electric circuits II

viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

Science fair

We had a lot of fun DISCOVERING ELECTRICITY!  Check out some of the pics taken from the science fair

martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

Introduction to electricity

In this video you can learn how electricity works and some types of circuits. Enjoy!

Electricity and circuits

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012


We need energy, but we know it can produce damage to the environment. Here you can learn how some renewable sources or energy work

 Hydroelectric energy

Solar Energy



viernes, 27 de enero de 2012


El pasado 25 de enero los cursos 6ºA y 6ºB y el 26 de enero 6ºC y 6ºD fuimos a una excursión a la pista de la policia municipal. Salimos del colegio a las 9:15 a.m , fuimos en autobus hasta Usera.Nos repartimos 11 de cada clase en un grupo.Allí nos dieron una charla de como usar la bici en distintos sitios. Luego nos llevaron hasta el garaje donde nos pusimos una redecillas que pareciamos unos cocineros y tambien unos cascos . Luego nos dieron una bici a cada uno, 24 de ellos hacian un examen practico, mientras los demas estaban con la bici por una mini ciudad. Al final de eso hicimos una especie de concurso del recorrido.

Escrito por: Mariam, María Osmara y Génesis.

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012


This incredible video will teach you all about the FLU, including the symptoms, the treatment, and the history behind some deadly flus that we have survived.

jueves, 19 de enero de 2012


In just a few months the 6th Grade classes will complete their time here in Miguel de Unamuno Primaria. As many of you know, to celebrate this special moment and mark the change in our lives, we will be going to Campamento San Mamés, in the north of Madrid to have an amazing time that no one will forget!!

Here is a link to check out the Camp!


We are learning the use of "have to" in English. It has a similar meaning to "need to". Learn more and practise it in this link:


viernes, 13 de enero de 2012

How do you saaaaaay....??

There are a lot of words to learn when talking about health and our bodies. Here is a great new useful link to help you with the new unit in science class!