Datos personales

Madrid, Spain
This is the blog for the the 6th Grade classes of Miguel de Unamuno Public School, in Madrid. On this blog you can find test dates, student works, and useful links to different websites of interest. We hope that you will enjoy using it! Este es el blog de las clases de 6º del colegio Público Miguel de Unamuno de Madrid. En él podras encontrar fechas de exámenes, los deberes, producciones de los alumnos y enlaces a informaciones de interés. Esperamos que os sea útil y divertido. The Teachers / Los Maestros

jueves, 27 de enero de 2011

John Lennon´s IMAGINE

Here´s a link to the video clip of John Lennon´s ambitious and utopian song, Imagine!

Think about the possibilities!

Here are the lyrics:

Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

martes, 25 de enero de 2011

Field trip to the 'Museo Tiflológico'

Hi kids! This week we are all going to visit the 'Museo Tiflológico' or the 'Museum for the blind or partially sighted' in english.

The Museo Tiflologico is among the most unconventional museums in Spain. It is the only museum in the country, and one of the few in the world, that is designed for the needs of the blind and visually handicapped people. It was established in 1992 and is now run by the Spanish National Organisation for the Blind. The museum is divided into three areas – scale models of monuments, a room with works of blind artists and a permanent exhibition room. All exhibits are created to be explored by touching and the visitors are facilitated by audiotapes in English and Spanish, as well as by pamphlets in large type and Braille.

Check their website to find out about all the great stuff they have there!

Células Componentes de la Sangre / Blood Cell Components

  • Los glóbulos rojos, también denominados hematíes ó eritrocitos, son las células sanguíneas más numerosas, cuyo característico color rojo se debe a una proteína que se halla en su interior llamada hemoglobina, responsable de ligar el oxígeno para transportarlo desde los pulmones a todos los tejidos del organismo para que las células respiren.

  • (Diámetro 6-8 micras)

  • Los glóbulos blancos, o leucocitos, se encargan de proteger al organismo contra el ataque de bacterias, virus, hongos y parásitos. Cuando hay una infección aumentan su número para mejorar las defensas.

(Diámetros 6-8micras)

Los glóbulos blancos están constantemente atentos a cualquier signo de enfermedad. Cuando aparecen los gérmenes utilizan diferentes maneras para atacarlos; pro ejemplo produciendo anticuerpos protectores que inutilizan a los gérmenes; ó rodeando y devorando a la bacteria invasora.

  • La plaqueta es el mas pequeño de los diferentes elementos celulares que circulan en la sangre.

Las plaquetas son fragmentos del citoplasma de una célula, el megacariocito.

Su función es la formación de coágulos para ayudar a cicatrizar las heridas.

Se producen en la médula ósea y viven entre 6 y 7 días

viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

Cells of the Body

We have been working on cells, the basic unit of life.

Here you have some incredible pictures of real cells in our bodies:

Blood Cells

Blood Cells Diagram

Lymphocyte Attacking a Fiber

Cancer Cells




A special thanks to one of our student´s mothers who works in the field of cellular research and has very kindly shared these pictures and this information with all of us.

jueves, 20 de enero de 2011




PRACTICO CALCULO.http://www2.gobiernodecanarias.org/educacion/17/WebC/eltanque/todo_mate/openumdec/openumdec_p.html

lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

The Five Kingdoms

This is a video where you can learn more about the five kingdoms. Enjoy the beautiful images

The Five Kingdoms

Welcome to the exciting world of CELLS!

Every living thing is made of cells, and these videos will take you inside the fascinating world that we can only see with very advanced technology...

Here you have a great video explaining what cells are and how they work!

Here is another video which explains in a fun and interesting way

And here is the video (in Spanish) which was shown in class explaining how cells work

Enjoy and learn!

viernes, 14 de enero de 2011

Asterix and the Vikings PART 1

Ok guys,The weekend is here, time to rest and enjoy (and do some homework of course).
Who will win, the Vikings or the Gallics?




miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011

Dig it up

Would you like to find some viking treasures? Help them stop the building of a motorway on an ancient viking settlement. Enjoy it!

Dig it up

Living things

We have just started a new unit about living things. Living things can be very different, but probably those that you like the most are animals. Here you have some videos of children with different animals. What video do you prefer?


martes, 11 de enero de 2011

Welcome back in 2011!!

Hello guys, first of all Happy new year! We hope you had an amazing holiday and that you had lots of presents. This is a post just to welcome you back and to ask you about your holidays. You can Write a comment (in English please) telling us those amazing things you did, people you have met, funny things that happened in Crhistmas dinner...
VERY IMPORTANT: All commets without name and CLASS, or relationship with the school (parents, friends, ex-students...) will be deleted.

Come on guys, tell us your stories!